Understanding moods in relationships is perhaps the single most important concept you really embody and identify with in order to have healthy relationships.
We all have different moods, good and bad. Our moods are like an internal weather beacon, we see life differently depending on the type of mood we are in.
For example, a positive mood generally means we are non-defensive, charismatic, and easy-going. If someone criticizes you, you take it in stride and let it roll off your back and you learn from it. When someone asks you about your past, you look at it objectively and positively, and don’t get defensive. If they ask about your future you see hope and you’re moving in the right direction.
If you’re in a bad or negative mood, you will be very defensive and critical. For example, if someone asks you about your boy or girlfriend, you might say something like, “things are bad, I’m with the wrong person” if someone asks you about your kids, you might say, “my kids are bad, they are more troublesome than they are worth.” That’s not how you really feel, it’s just that you are in a bad mood.
Your mood is the source of your experience and not the effect. In other words when you are in a bad mood that’s the world you see. What you need to understand is when your spouse, children or coworker is in a bad mood, they are going to say and do things that they would never say if they were in a good mood.
If you’re in a relationship with someone, you usually know when they are in a bad mood. You know the best way to make the situation a positive one, is not to take it so seriously. You understand and make allowances for the fact that your partner is not in a good mood.
For example, let’s say your spouse was not in a good mood, and he or she won’t smile, doesn’t and doesn’t want to talk. The mistake that most people make in this situation is to take the person’s mood too seriously and become confrontational themselves, which makes the situation worse. Instead you should have the attitude that this will pass and it will.
In my experience as an intuitive consultant, one biggest problems in relationships I see is that people take each other’s bad moods too seriously. Keep in mind that if you consider leaving the relationships because of your partner’s bad moods and find someone else, you will discover that your new partner will have bad moods as well and will say the same type of things and act the same way.
When people come to me for a consultation I can tell from their energy the type of mood they are in by doing a reading of their first three chakras. If they are in a good mood they love each other and are willing to work through their problems. If they are in a bad mood, they are not honest, and blame each other for their problems.
Most people don’t understand they have moods. Instead they blame it on life or external circumstances, not looking at themselves. Your life doesn’t change only your mood does and when that happens, you need to recognize it and understand you are going to see things negatively and be pessimistic. When you’re a bad mood, don’t make any major decisions. Just leave things alone for an hour to see if your mood becomes positive.
We all have been on this mood rollercoaster many times in our life. We go up and we come back down. If you want to go back up, all you need to do is recognize it and don’t make comments and decisions while you’re in a bad mood. Don’t take it too seriously and in a short period of time your mood will be more positive. Things will look different.
The worst thing you can do when you’re in a bad mood is to judge or analyze why you’re there because you’re totally in your ego mind at this point and it simply makes your negativity stronger and extends the length of it.
The same is true when your child is mad and tells you something like “I hate you.” If you take it too seriously, you will have a terrible relationship with your child. Children get into bad moods all the time and so do coworkers, friend and family members.
When you start to recognize moods and the powerful influence they have over your perceptions, it enables you to see and do things differently. When you’re in a bad mood simply shrug it off, and know that you’ve been there many times before and it will change.
Even the most positive people in the world get into bad moods every now and then. The difference between them and other people is that they don’t take their bad moods seriously. They know that it’s just a mood swing and it will change.
One of the great keys to building great relationships is to give your spouse, child, co-worker, boss or friend the space he or she needs to have bad moods. Don’t take it personally, and don’t take it seriously. When this happens, you’ll find a transformation takes place, you’ll grow and learn valuable lessons you were meant to learn in the relationship.